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A Flower Experience, made just for you.

A romantic and whimsical arrangement.JPG


MoMo is passionate about flowers! We grow and design wild and beautiful bouquets for weddings and events.


The Flower Farm

MoMo is a flower farm in the Portland, Oregon metro region. We use sustainable methods to grow beautiful blooms.


The flowers were simply spectacular.
Dahlias steel the show at an Oregon wine country wedding.JPG

The Farm

We are open by appointment only.

513 NW 184th Street
Ridgefield, WA 98642
United States


Contact Us

Contact us for pricing and availability, and to receive emails about farm events.

If you are inquiring about a wedding, please include: the date, the color palette, and the approximate size of the wedding.

Note: We are fully booked for full service weddings for 2024. We still have space for elopements and micro-weddings in September.

We are open by appointment only.